Documents Database - Other Documents -
In the museum room, there are many old documents which relate to this station's faunal survey and conservation activities.
Dragnet Survey
Dragnet Survey Records
"Record of Dragnet Survey 1901" , "Record of Dragnet Survey 1902" and "Dragnet Survey 1910-14" contain the detailed data about dragnet surveys in those periods.
One of steam vessel used for the dragnet survey (1883)
"Conservazione" is the name of the room in which the collection of preserved animals for sale has been stored . From 2001, number of specimens (325) stored at "Conservazione", wee restored and registered in the Zoological Collection.
Sorting Room (1890)
Also there are the catalogs and price lists of the preserved specimens from 1885 to 1963, which have been used for the sales promotion, in the museum room.
Price List 3rd ed, German (1885) |
Price List 4th ed, German (1894) |
Price List 4th ed, Italian (1916) |
Price List 4th ed, Italian (1925) |
Price List 5th ed, Italian (1941) |
Price List 5th ed, Italian (1941) |
Price List |
Specimen Catalog |
Specimen Catalog (with Price data) 1961 |
Specimen Catalog (with Price data, Montcharmont signature) 1963 |
Another documents (Invoices, stock records etc) are not yet digitized.
Stock Card (1956 - )
Invoice (1950's)