Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 22-Aug-2024 11:28 JST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 593865
Total Files 507359
Total Pages 462434
Total Visits 38547
Total KBytes 8516588
Total Unique Sites 4805
Total Unique URLs 36773
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 824 42660
Hits per Day 19795 54889
Files per Day 16911 29126
Pages per Day 15414 27713
Sites per Day 160 874
Visits per Day 1284 3220
KBytes per Day 283886 692048
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 85.43% 507359
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.57% 3379
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 10
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.02% 144
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.04% 231
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 4
Code 404 - Not Found 13.36% 79351
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 117
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 4
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.47% 2775
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.08% 491

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 17600 2.96% 16731 3.30% 13471 2.91% 531 1.38% 343 7.14% 260026 3.05%
2 15061 2.54% 14500 2.86% 10602 2.29% 419 1.09% 394 8.20% 310106 3.64%
3 9460 1.59% 8860 1.75% 9237 2.00% 563 1.46% 334 6.95% 18383 0.22%
4 19445 3.27% 18481 3.64% 12461 2.69% 961 2.49% 501 10.43% 377240 4.43%
5 13747 2.31% 12924 2.55% 10891 2.36% 842 2.18% 523 10.88% 100050 1.17%
6 19185 3.23% 18515 3.65% 13374 2.89% 773 2.01% 279 5.81% 270727 3.18%
7 54889 9.24% 13343 2.63% 12684 2.74% 998 2.59% 529 11.01% 112310 1.32%
8 30181 5.08% 29126 5.74% 27713 5.99% 732 1.90% 264 5.49% 408781 4.80%
9 13265 2.23% 12057 2.38% 12049 2.61% 954 2.47% 423 8.80% 120603 1.42%
10 12622 2.13% 11495 2.27% 11711 2.53% 652 1.69% 241 5.02% 125401 1.47%
11 12378 2.08% 11422 2.25% 11800 2.55% 612 1.59% 326 6.78% 65876 0.77%
12 18285 3.08% 17164 3.38% 13531 2.93% 655 1.70% 379 7.89% 441895 5.19%
13 13883 2.34% 12919 2.55% 13069 2.83% 678 1.76% 267 5.56% 131595 1.55%
14 14566 2.45% 13642 2.69% 13848 2.99% 1370 3.55% 423 8.80% 217646 2.56%
15 23218 3.91% 20666 4.07% 21352 4.62% 3220 8.35% 480 9.99% 332495 3.90%
16 15490 2.61% 14619 2.88% 14821 3.20% 1131 2.93% 355 7.39% 135978 1.60%
17 16161 2.72% 15364 3.03% 14987 3.24% 1621 4.21% 378 7.87% 112656 1.32%
18 14075 2.37% 13213 2.60% 10132 2.19% 2395 6.21% 561 11.68% 501865 5.89%
19 16829 2.83% 16047 3.16% 12929 2.80% 1892 4.91% 537 11.18% 368728 4.33%
20 21051 3.54% 20101 3.96% 18258 3.95% 2928 7.60% 748 15.57% 350984 4.12%
21 23757 4.00% 22692 4.47% 18541 4.01% 1657 4.30% 625 13.01% 422393 4.96%
22 18249 3.07% 16029 3.16% 15581 3.37% 1193 3.09% 762 15.86% 163668 1.92%
23 23198 3.91% 20993 4.14% 17178 3.71% 1238 3.21% 742 15.44% 692048 8.13%
24 21816 3.67% 19372 3.82% 17387 3.76% 1725 4.48% 637 13.26% 424653 4.99%
25 21191 3.57% 17951 3.54% 17952 3.88% 1619 4.20% 649 13.51% 397214 4.66%
26 25086 4.22% 21510 4.24% 19640 4.25% 1401 3.63% 874 18.19% 463023 5.44%
27 24850 4.18% 22067 4.35% 22079 4.77% 1894 4.91% 761 15.84% 253388 2.98%
28 17041 2.87% 14249 2.81% 16210 3.51% 1394 3.62% 664 13.82% 119807 1.41%
29 23131 3.89% 19462 3.84% 20456 4.42% 1417 3.68% 793 16.50% 190769 2.24%
30 24155 4.07% 21845 4.31% 18490 4.00% 1584 4.11% 785 16.34% 626282 7.35%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 665 19950 3.36% 618 18541 3.65% 573 17197 3.72% 6421 192619 2.26%
1 737 22123 3.73% 686 20608 4.06% 602 18069 3.91% 10484 314507 3.69%
2 2138 64157 10.80% 725 21778 4.29% 666 20001 4.33% 11055 331643 3.89%
3 866 25999 4.38% 821 24636 4.86% 710 21324 4.61% 10117 303508 3.56%
4 831 24943 4.20% 784 23524 4.64% 735 22055 4.77% 12011 360321 4.23%
5 786 23596 3.97% 733 21992 4.33% 708 21244 4.59% 8489 254684 2.99%
6 805 24165 4.07% 744 22349 4.40% 708 21244 4.59% 10264 307920 3.62%
7 823 24715 4.16% 736 22092 4.35% 668 20049 4.34% 11173 335204 3.94%
8 738 22153 3.73% 655 19658 3.87% 659 19778 4.28% 9210 276302 3.24%
9 821 24645 4.15% 738 22151 4.37% 618 18546 4.01% 14463 433884 5.09%
10 839 25198 4.24% 757 22737 4.48% 685 20561 4.45% 14347 430421 5.05%
11 726 21797 3.67% 638 19154 3.78% 642 19260 4.16% 6832 204961 2.41%
12 788 23653 3.98% 709 21272 4.19% 641 19251 4.16% 19758 592743 6.96%
13 746 22396 3.77% 684 20520 4.04% 617 18513 4.00% 15956 478693 5.62%
14 710 21314 3.59% 658 19761 3.89% 609 18276 3.95% 9438 283139 3.32%
15 770 23103 3.89% 717 21528 4.24% 590 17707 3.83% 11696 350890 4.12%
16 762 22870 3.85% 650 19512 3.85% 668 20051 4.34% 13974 419206 4.92%
17 775 23272 3.92% 721 21630 4.26% 622 18670 4.04% 15135 454053 5.33%
18 767 23035 3.88% 715 21456 4.23% 677 20330 4.40% 15137 454105 5.33%
19 725 21779 3.67% 663 19908 3.92% 596 17907 3.87% 6839 205183 2.41%
20 736 22093 3.72% 683 20492 4.04% 599 17988 3.89% 7021 210628 2.47%
21 767 23013 3.88% 715 21474 4.23% 633 19010 4.11% 11433 343000 4.03%
22 795 23861 4.02% 739 22177 4.37% 593 17817 3.85% 23368 701045 8.23%
23 667 20035 3.37% 613 18409 3.63% 586 17586 3.80% 9264 277930 3.26%

Top 30 of 36773 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 267684 45.07% 85781 1.01% /
2 46024 7.75% 432444 5.08% /HTML/img_list.php
3 32677 5.50% 602825 7.08% /HTML/doc_list.php
4 21260 3.58% 199659 2.34% /html/img_list.php
5 16495 2.78% 284907 3.35% /HTML/prep_list.php
6 15671 2.64% 290367 3.41% /html/doc_list.php
7 7846 1.32% 136761 1.61% /html/prep_list.php
8 6682 1.13% 105427 1.24% /HTML/Prep_list.php
9 5409 0.91% 85381 1.00% /html/Prep_list.php
10 659 0.11% 5360 0.06% /HTML/
11 283 0.05% 318 0.00% /favicon.ico
12 165 0.03% 3360 0.04% /HTML/jquery.reel.js
13 162 0.03% 2435 0.03% /HTML/Others.php/img/I/img/I/access/doc_list.php
14 162 0.03% 44621 0.52% /HTML/jquery-1.11.2.js
15 123 0.02% 1849 0.02% /HTML/Others.php/doc_list.php
16 100 0.02% 1503 0.02% /HTML/Others.php/access/doc_list.php
17 98 0.02% 1473 0.02% /HTML/Others.php/img/doc_list.php
18 89 0.01% 1813 0.02% /html/jquery.reel.js
19 76 0.01% 21092 0.25% /html/jquery-1.11.2.js
20 75 0.01% 542 0.01% /html/
21 58 0.01% 872 0.01% /HTML/Others.php/access2/doc_list.php
22 57 0.01% 4985 0.06% /html/taxa_list.php
23 56 0.01% 1606 0.02% /html/identifier.php
24 55 0.01% 827 0.01% /HTML/Others.php/img/I/img/I/access2/doc_list.php
25 55 0.01% 1472 0.02% /html/museomap.php
26 50 0.01% 923 0.01% /HTML/find.php
27 44 0.01% 382 0.00% /access2/
28 44 0.01% 820 0.01% /html/locality.php
29 43 0.01% 3 0.00% /HTML/myprintln.js
30 39 0.01% 1044 0.01% /HTML/museomap.php

Top 10 of 36773 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 16 0.00% 1753119 20.58% /img/31-10-2016museo.mp4
2 14 0.00% 986075 11.58% /img/31-10-2016MUSEO.mp4
3 32677 5.50% 602825 7.08% /HTML/doc_list.php
4 46024 7.75% 432444 5.08% /HTML/img_list.php
5 15671 2.64% 290367 3.41% /html/doc_list.php
6 16495 2.78% 284907 3.35% /HTML/prep_list.php
7 21260 3.58% 199659 2.34% /html/img_list.php
8 7846 1.32% 136761 1.61% /html/prep_list.php
9 6682 1.13% 105427 1.24% /HTML/Prep_list.php
10 267684 45.07% 85781 1.01% /

Top 10 of 174 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 32677 5.50% 8308 22.97% /HTML/doc_list.php
2 46024 7.75% 7350 20.32% /HTML/img_list.php
3 21260 3.58% 4557 12.60% /html/img_list.php
4 15671 2.64% 4278 11.83% /html/doc_list.php
5 16495 2.78% 3192 8.82% /HTML/prep_list.php
6 267684 45.07% 2236 6.18% /
7 7846 1.32% 2146 5.93% /html/prep_list.php
8 6682 1.13% 1705 4.71% /HTML/Prep_list.php
9 5409 0.91% 1289 3.56% /html/Prep_list.php
10 659 0.11% 278 0.77% /HTML/

Top 10 of 180 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 32677 5.50% 8276 22.98% /HTML/doc_list.php
2 46024 7.75% 7347 20.40% /HTML/img_list.php
3 21260 3.58% 4390 12.19% /html/img_list.php
4 15671 2.64% 4290 11.91% /html/doc_list.php
5 16495 2.78% 3253 9.03% /HTML/prep_list.php
6 7846 1.32% 2079 5.77% /html/prep_list.php
7 267684 45.07% 2054 5.70% /
8 6682 1.13% 1832 5.09% /HTML/Prep_list.php
9 5409 0.91% 1311 3.64% /html/Prep_list.php
10 659 0.11% 353 0.98% /HTML/

Top 30 of 4805 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 252093 42.45% 252092 49.69% 82718 0.97% 3 0.01%
2 41422 6.97% 504 0.10% 11556 0.14% 2 0.01%
3 15439 2.60% 7717 1.52% 4078 0.05% 4 0.01%
4 12173 2.05% 11415 2.25% 361837 4.25% 80 0.21%
5 11189 1.88% 10516 2.07% 354810 4.17% 47 0.12%
6 10953 1.84% 0 0.00% 2337 0.03% 157 0.41%
7 7505 1.26% 0 0.00% 1601 0.02% 3 0.01%
8 6572 1.11% 6137 1.21% 308288 3.62% 74 0.19%
9 6069 1.02% 6057 1.19% 86706 1.02% 11 0.03%
10 5842 0.98% 5830 1.15% 355407 4.17% 35 0.09%
11 5822 0.98% 5811 1.15% 82542 0.97% 8 0.02%
12 5544 0.93% 5534 1.09% 78903 0.93% 6 0.02%
13 5157 0.87% 4686 0.92% 122726 1.44% 109 0.28%
14 5093 0.86% 5068 1.00% 31029 0.36% 17 0.04%
15 4457 0.75% 4107 0.81% 128284 1.51% 92 0.24%
16 3423 0.58% 3271 0.64% 67830 0.80% 6 0.02%
17 3191 0.54% 2850 0.56% 74879 0.88% 125 0.32%
18 2866 0.48% 2866 0.56% 0 0.00% 351 0.91% ::1
19 2577 0.43% 2574 0.51% 69866 0.82% 390 1.01%
20 2532 0.43% 2525 0.50% 66277 0.78% 382 0.99%
21 2525 0.43% 2519 0.50% 61521 0.72% 397 1.03%
22 2508 0.42% 2481 0.49% 41895 0.49% 1 0.00%
23 2506 0.42% 2502 0.49% 67049 0.79% 367 0.95%
24 2497 0.42% 2488 0.49% 65199 0.77% 394 1.02%
25 2484 0.42% 2479 0.49% 63028 0.74% 377 0.98%
26 2481 0.42% 2476 0.49% 62947 0.74% 383 0.99%
27 2467 0.42% 2462 0.49% 65088 0.76% 360 0.93%
28 2439 0.41% 2429 0.48% 58641 0.69% 392 1.02%
29 2437 0.41% 2432 0.48% 58989 0.69% 379 0.98%
30 2434 0.41% 2427 0.48% 58965 0.69% 369 0.96%

Top 10 of 4805 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 12173 2.05% 11415 2.25% 361837 4.25% 80 0.21%
2 5842 0.98% 5830 1.15% 355407 4.17% 35 0.09%
3 11189 1.88% 10516 2.07% 354810 4.17% 47 0.12%
4 6572 1.11% 6137 1.21% 308288 3.62% 74 0.19%
5 328 0.06% 309 0.06% 221842 2.60% 5 0.01%
6 114 0.02% 114 0.02% 221476 2.60% 1 0.00%
7 4457 0.75% 4107 0.81% 128284 1.51% 92 0.24%
8 278 0.05% 276 0.05% 126370 1.48% 2 0.01%
9 378 0.06% 355 0.07% 124899 1.47% 3 0.01%
10 472 0.08% 433 0.09% 124196 1.46% 1 0.00%

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 593865 100.00% 510738 100.67% 8516588 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21