Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 22-Aug-2024 11:28 JST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 445474
Total Files 373066
Total Pages 398607
Total Visits 27040
Total KBytes 11955960
Total Unique Sites 5504
Total Unique URLs 31038
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 598 3911
Hits per Day 14370 27198
Files per Day 12034 25259
Pages per Day 12858 26625
Sites per Day 177 847
Visits per Day 872 1485
KBytes per Day 385676 2508208
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 83.75% 373066
Code 206 - Partial Content 2.18% 9707
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 1
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 9
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.71% 3150
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.02% 85
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 4
Code 404 - Not Found 6.02% 26831
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.04% 176
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 5
Code 408 - Request Timeout 7.15% 31873
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.13% 567

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 11058 2.48% 10113 2.71% 10625 2.67% 619 2.29% 480 8.72% 424680 3.55%
2 11754 2.64% 10781 2.89% 10624 2.67% 1183 4.38% 733 13.32% 141698 1.19%
3 10009 2.25% 9169 2.46% 8730 2.19% 937 3.47% 711 12.92% 284422 2.38%
4 9717 2.18% 9013 2.42% 8995 2.26% 1167 4.32% 823 14.95% 115065 0.96%
5 17634 3.96% 9250 2.48% 16220 4.07% 874 3.23% 677 12.30% 181264 1.52%
6 11336 2.54% 10555 2.83% 10338 2.59% 844 3.12% 685 12.45% 542390 4.54%
7 18748 4.21% 9942 2.66% 18261 4.58% 731 2.70% 590 10.72% 152107 1.27%
8 19706 4.42% 12090 3.24% 18477 4.64% 736 2.72% 507 9.21% 96148 0.80%
9 11161 2.51% 10181 2.73% 9863 2.47% 846 3.13% 620 11.26% 1655599 13.85%
10 14614 3.28% 12917 3.46% 13595 3.41% 702 2.60% 457 8.30% 109639 0.92%
11 11594 2.60% 9770 2.62% 10679 2.68% 677 2.50% 354 6.43% 70338 0.59%
12 13405 3.01% 11517 3.09% 11797 2.96% 1215 4.49% 468 8.50% 78143 0.65%
13 16151 3.63% 9960 2.67% 15514 3.89% 824 3.05% 370 6.72% 274723 2.30%
14 15808 3.55% 9832 2.64% 15216 3.82% 820 3.03% 570 10.36% 63012 0.53%
15 13855 3.11% 11330 3.04% 12865 3.23% 955 3.53% 708 12.86% 133026 1.11%
16 13208 2.96% 11877 3.18% 10388 2.61% 1099 4.06% 847 15.39% 2508208 20.98%
17 15145 3.40% 13390 3.59% 13406 3.36% 865 3.20% 567 10.30% 287921 2.41%
18 27198 6.11% 25259 6.77% 26625 6.68% 1485 5.49% 636 11.56% 290775 2.43%
19 15859 3.56% 13244 3.55% 14357 3.60% 578 2.14% 330 6.00% 392562 3.28%
20 11780 2.64% 10727 2.88% 10489 2.63% 1314 4.86% 597 10.85% 78906 0.66%
21 11763 2.64% 10144 2.72% 11217 2.81% 713 2.64% 537 9.76% 106826 0.89%
22 12106 2.72% 10170 2.73% 11272 2.83% 982 3.63% 497 9.03% 85519 0.72%
23 14936 3.35% 13218 3.54% 14397 3.61% 1012 3.74% 353 6.41% 136266 1.14%
24 10076 2.26% 8684 2.33% 9239 2.32% 663 2.45% 349 6.34% 108577 0.91%
25 10397 2.33% 9796 2.63% 9933 2.49% 597 2.21% 331 6.01% 155276 1.30%
26 13730 3.08% 12429 3.33% 13154 3.30% 838 3.10% 409 7.43% 618886 5.18%
27 14522 3.26% 13689 3.67% 11868 2.98% 676 2.50% 385 6.99% 794063 6.64%
28 18605 4.18% 17489 4.69% 12762 3.20% 1308 4.84% 401 7.29% 459165 3.84%
29 13387 3.01% 12217 3.27% 10887 2.73% 793 2.93% 359 6.52% 68069 0.57%
30 20022 4.49% 19008 5.10% 14795 3.71% 598 2.21% 443 8.05% 1167918 9.77%
31 16190 3.63% 15305 4.10% 12019 3.02% 693 2.56% 367 6.67% 374767 3.13%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 472 14650 3.29% 421 13070 3.50% 432 13418 3.37% 14608 452853 3.79%
1 503 15601 3.50% 439 13631 3.65% 466 14454 3.63% 4233 131237 1.10%
2 593 18399 4.13% 429 13316 3.57% 573 17776 4.46% 8039 249213 2.08%
3 536 16630 3.73% 457 14171 3.80% 513 15928 4.00% 11537 357647 2.99%
4 539 16736 3.76% 483 14994 4.02% 482 14954 3.75% 12029 372908 3.12%
5 586 18167 4.08% 490 15206 4.08% 520 16122 4.04% 4971 154093 1.29%
6 715 22182 4.98% 481 14929 4.00% 657 20375 5.11% 8979 278343 2.33%
7 687 21309 4.78% 479 14864 3.98% 638 19789 4.96% 60653 1880247 15.73%
8 611 18951 4.25% 546 16942 4.54% 521 16168 4.06% 9196 285063 2.38%
9 599 18570 4.17% 484 15017 4.03% 555 17205 4.32% 15395 477231 3.99%
10 650 20159 4.53% 486 15074 4.04% 620 19224 4.82% 8663 268567 2.25%
11 780 24206 5.43% 567 17598 4.72% 756 23436 5.88% 13021 403650 3.38%
12 671 20818 4.67% 538 16700 4.48% 640 19849 4.98% 16053 497629 4.16%
13 640 19863 4.46% 577 17913 4.80% 544 16893 4.24% 82733 2564733 21.45%
14 558 17311 3.89% 503 15611 4.18% 525 16303 4.09% 8834 273848 2.29%
15 535 16599 3.73% 487 15098 4.05% 491 15228 3.82% 8621 267242 2.24%
16 553 17148 3.85% 502 15566 4.17% 467 14506 3.64% 11740 363944 3.04%
17 628 19493 4.38% 558 17298 4.64% 505 15682 3.93% 15878 492214 4.12%
18 643 19937 4.48% 574 17818 4.78% 481 14929 3.75% 9966 308960 2.58%
19 578 17947 4.03% 478 14818 3.97% 510 15834 3.97% 12664 392598 3.28%
20 651 20197 4.53% 593 18386 4.93% 556 17249 4.33% 13077 405390 3.39%
21 599 18579 4.17% 536 16643 4.46% 475 14728 3.69% 12069 374150 3.13%
22 547 16959 3.81% 486 15080 4.04% 477 14790 3.71% 4521 140159 1.17%
23 485 15063 3.38% 429 13323 3.57% 444 13767 3.45% 18195 564040 4.72%

Top 30 of 31038 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 229068 51.42% 70760 0.59% /
2 30146 6.77% 281933 2.36% /HTML/img_list.php
3 15757 3.54% 291512 2.44% /HTML/doc_list.php
4 14479 3.25% 136315 1.14% /html/img_list.php
5 12613 2.83% 319895 2.68% /HTML/prep_list.php
6 7914 1.78% 147085 1.23% /html/doc_list.php
7 5654 1.27% 545821 4.57% /access/usage_202404.html
8 4836 1.09% 85694 0.72% /html/prep_list.php
9 3601 0.81% 56028 0.47% /HTML/Prep_list.php
10 3398 0.76% 330733 2.77% /access/usage_202403.html
11 3200 0.72% 1536 0.01% /access/
12 2374 0.53% 37041 0.31% /html/Prep_list.php
13 1655 0.37% 139311 1.17% /access/usage_202405.html
14 1200 0.27% 115993 0.97% /access/usage_202308.html
15 1133 0.25% 10672 0.09% /HTML_d/img_list.php
16 866 0.19% 15455 0.13% /HTML_d/doc_list.php
17 774 0.17% 6283 0.05% /HTML/
18 704 0.16% 13682 0.11% /HTML_d/prep_list.php
19 288 0.06% 319 0.00% /favicon.ico
20 232 0.05% 4725 0.04% /HTML/jquery.reel.js
21 225 0.05% 62089 0.52% /HTML/jquery-1.11.2.js
22 140 0.03% 7835981 65.54% /img/31-10-2016MUSEO.mp4
23 135 0.03% 2284 0.02% /HTML_d/Prep_list.php
24 97 0.02% 1827 0.02% /HTML/find.php
25 87 0.02% 6653 0.06% /HTML/taxa_list.php
26 76 0.02% 1142 0.01% /HTML/Others.php/access/doc_list.php
27 75 0.02% 1343 0.01% /HTML/prep_list
28 70 0.02% 1873 0.02% /HTML/museomap.php
29 69 0.02% 956 0.01% /HTML/Collection.php
30 66 0.01% 992 0.01% /HTML/Others.php/doc_list.php

Top 10 of 31038 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 140 0.03% 7835981 65.54% /img/31-10-2016MUSEO.mp4
2 5654 1.27% 545821 4.57% /access/usage_202404.html
3 3398 0.76% 330733 2.77% /access/usage_202403.html
4 3 0.00% 328710 2.75% /img/31-10-2016museo.mp4
5 12613 2.83% 319895 2.68% /HTML/prep_list.php
6 15757 3.54% 291512 2.44% /HTML/doc_list.php
7 30146 6.77% 281933 2.36% /HTML/img_list.php
8 7914 1.78% 147085 1.23% /html/doc_list.php
9 1655 0.37% 139311 1.17% /access/usage_202405.html
10 14479 3.25% 136315 1.14% /html/img_list.php

Top 10 of 448 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 30146 6.77% 5103 19.63% /HTML/img_list.php
2 15757 3.54% 4608 17.72% /HTML/doc_list.php
3 12613 2.83% 2584 9.94% /HTML/prep_list.php
4 229068 51.42% 2121 8.16% /
5 14479 3.25% 2006 7.72% /html/img_list.php
6 7914 1.78% 1649 6.34% /html/doc_list.php
7 1133 0.25% 1505 5.79% /HTML_d/img_list.php
8 866 0.19% 1155 4.44% /HTML_d/doc_list.php
9 4836 1.09% 901 3.47% /html/prep_list.php
10 3601 0.81% 869 3.34% /HTML/Prep_list.php

Top 10 of 448 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 30146 6.77% 5102 19.76% /HTML/img_list.php
2 15757 3.54% 4574 17.71% /HTML/doc_list.php
3 12613 2.83% 2544 9.85% /HTML/prep_list.php
4 14479 3.25% 1947 7.54% /html/img_list.php
5 229068 51.42% 1938 7.51% /
6 1133 0.25% 1692 6.55% /HTML_d/img_list.php
7 7914 1.78% 1662 6.44% /html/doc_list.php
8 866 0.19% 1153 4.47% /HTML_d/doc_list.php
9 4836 1.09% 885 3.43% /html/prep_list.php
10 3601 0.81% 857 3.32% /HTML/Prep_list.php

Top 30 of 5504 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 214163 48.08% 214162 57.41% 70272 0.59% 3 0.01%
2 13096 2.94% 12730 3.41% 171543 1.43% 57 0.21%
3 9539 2.14% 5 0.00% 44 0.00% 6 0.02%
4 9225 2.07% 9208 2.47% 49398 0.41% 26 0.10%
5 7988 1.79% 7975 2.14% 0 0.00% 271 1.00%
6 6400 1.44% 5951 1.60% 112075 0.94% 89 0.33%
7 3818 0.86% 8 0.00% 57 0.00% 6 0.02%
8 3780 0.85% 3780 1.01% 0 0.00% 213 0.79% ::1
9 3560 0.80% 3287 0.88% 69734 0.58% 87 0.32%
10 3487 0.78% 15 0.00% 206 0.00% 7 0.03%
11 3472 0.78% 3 0.00% 28 0.00% 6 0.02%
12 3412 0.77% 3398 0.91% 35775 0.30% 18 0.07%
13 3365 0.76% 12 0.00% 197 0.00% 8 0.03%
14 3307 0.74% 3291 0.88% 33413 0.28% 7 0.03%
15 3116 0.70% 12 0.00% 103 0.00% 6 0.02%
16 2653 0.60% 2653 0.71% 258297 2.16% 1 0.00%
17 2583 0.58% 2393 0.64% 44780 0.37% 59 0.22%
18 2508 0.56% 2499 0.67% 42537 0.36% 1 0.00%
19 2205 0.49% 1705 0.46% 25046 0.21% 276 1.02%
20 2198 0.49% 1730 0.46% 26144 0.22% 266 0.98%
21 2190 0.49% 1715 0.46% 25366 0.21% 267 0.99%
22 2182 0.49% 1704 0.46% 24938 0.21% 269 0.99%
23 2178 0.49% 1729 0.46% 25865 0.22% 267 0.99%
24 2177 0.49% 1725 0.46% 25801 0.22% 269 0.99%
25 2169 0.49% 1684 0.45% 24117 0.20% 261 0.97%
26 2167 0.49% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00%
27 2166 0.49% 1696 0.45% 25584 0.21% 278 1.03%
28 2155 0.48% 1684 0.45% 24783 0.21% 272 1.01%
29 2150 0.48% 1694 0.45% 25860 0.22% 261 0.97%
30 2138 0.48% 1666 0.45% 24259 0.20% 263 0.97%

Top 10 of 5504 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 65 0.01% 65 0.02% 2293347 19.18% 0 0.00%
2 921 0.21% 895 0.24% 1612597 13.49% 5 0.02%
3 712 0.16% 702 0.19% 336059 2.81% 3 0.01%
4 2653 0.60% 2653 0.71% 258297 2.16% 1 0.00%
5 50 0.01% 49 0.01% 225150 1.88% 4 0.01%
6 26 0.01% 18 0.00% 220112 1.84% 2 0.01%
7 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 219537 1.84% 1 0.00%
8 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 219140 1.83% 0 0.00%
9 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 219140 1.83% 0 0.00%
10 1956 0.44% 1956 0.52% 188827 1.58% 1 0.00%

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 445474 100.00% 382773 102.60% 11955960 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21