Documents Database
- Catalogs of the Collection -
1. The 1st Catalog and the Referece Cards
The first curating activity began in 1910. The primary accession record shows that 1087 specimens were registered from 1910 to 1914.
During the same period, taxon reference cards corresponding to each species were achieved. Each card, written in the German language, contains the Latin Name (Name), Common Name (Vulgär Name), Capture Method (Fangmethode), Common Place (Häufig : Nicht häufig), Main Habitat (Hauptfundort), Egg-laying period (Reif Eier),Color (Färburg), and a list of accession numbers of corresponding specimens and their Life Stages (Stadium). This reference cards are the first relational database which stored the ecological data relating to each specimen.
"SZN Number" on the Label
The serial number (1-909,1000- 1188), used in those document, still remain on the labels of 612preparations. (In this database, we referred to the serial number as "SZN number".) The first accepted specimen is now stored in the cabinet XXV.
There is a code written on those records, the meaning of which is still unknown. The code is composed of 3 kinds of character(s), "G","T" and "Sp". The list of "Sp" shows that "Sp" seems to correspond to dried preparations (Preparato Secco ), however it is not clear what "T" and "G" refer to, since these preparations are composed of various kinds of preparations.
2. The 2nd Catalog
the 2nd Serial Number on ECN120
In 1918, the catalog of the animal preparation (Catalogo speciale Animali preparati Volume primo) was compiled. In the catalog, another kind of serial number, starting from 1461, is applied to each preparation. There are a few labels with the serial number still intact on the back of some dried preparations. Apparently, the labels were attached by weak adhesive, so that most of them became detached. The catalog listing activity finished in 1919 and the total number of preparations was 971.
3. The 3rd Catalog
the 3rd Serial Number on TUN113
One of the catalogs, made by Pietro Parenzan (1902 - 1992) in 1930, remains in the museum room. The catalog (Catalogo del Museo Vol. 1) covers 62 preparations of "TUNICATI ASCIDIE" and 93 of "MOLLUSCHI CEFALOPODI". This catalog applied another kind of serial number ("16/295") to the preparations. Since there is no correlation between this number and the "SZN number", the preparations in this catalog might be the ones newly accepted at the period. In our current collection, we can identify 11 preparations with these serial numbers.
4. Other Catalogs
During the period between 1956 and 1970, two successive accession notebooks have been complied as, "Nuove accessioni Museo"(1956 - 1964, 815 preparations) and "Museo, accessioni dal 1965" (1965 - 1970, 161 preparations). Those records do not apply either serial number or code to the particular preparations. So that it is not possible to find exactly same preparation listed in those document.